First Avenue Properties consist of three mixed-use buildings and over 26,000 rentable square feet in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Two of the buildings are five-story walkups with ground-floor retail, [more]
First Avenue Properties consist of three mixed-use buildings and over 26,000 rentable squa [more]
First Avenue Properties consist of three mixed-use buildings and over 26,000 rentable square feet in Manhattan’s Up [more]
The East 95th Street Building is a six story walk-up apartment building located in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The building contains 41 apartment units consisting of 4 studios, 31 one bedroom units, [more]
The East 95th Street Building is a six story walk-up apartment building located in Manhatt [more]
The East 95th Street Building is a six story walk-up apartment building located in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The [more]